Submit the first page of your unpublished novel or memoir and win a professional critique and line edit of your first chapter — a $250+ value. Simply fill out the online entry form below and paste the first page of your manuscript (up to 300 words) directly into the form. The entry fee for this contest is $15. For additional information, check out the FAQs below the entry form.
Entries are accepted on a rolling basis throughout the year.
All entries received prior to June 30 will be judged in July and announced by August 1. All entries received prior to Dec. 31 will be judged in January and announced by Feb 1. Winners and finalists will be notified by email and posted here.
Do I have to have a completely finished manuscript to enter this contest? (What if my manuscript is almost finished? Half-finished? Just started?)
It is not a requirement that you have a finished draft, but we ask that you have at least 30 pages written. This way, if you win, we will have something to critique! (If you win but you’re not yet finished with the manuscript, you may also elect to push back the date of your critique until after you’ve finished writing the book.)
How should my entry be formatted?
Simply paste the text into the box on our entry form. There is no need to indent your paragraphs. For legibility’s sake, we prefer that you use a hard return between each paragraph. (In other words, please press “enter” or “return” twice so that there is white space between paragraphs.)
How does payment work? Do I need a PayPal account?
No! Certainly not. When you are redirected to the payment screen, just click the button that says “Pay with Debit or Credit Card” (located underneath the PayPal log-in area). From there, you will be prompted to enter your credit card information.
Can I submit my Middle Grade or Young Adult novel?
Yes. Your entry will be judged in the same category as fiction for adults, but knowing your intended audience helps the judges evaluate your submission. Middle Grade and YA submissions typically make up roughly 40% of the fiction category.
Can I submit multiple entries?
Yes, you may. There is no limit on the number of entries you are allowed to submit.
How do I know if my entry has been received? Will you send me a confirmation email?
After you submit your payment, you will see a message in your browser that says, “Thank you! Your entry has been received.” When this message appears, it means the transaction has gone through successfully and we have received your entry. You will also receive an email confirmation from PayPal notifying you that your payment has been received. If you do NOT receive an email confirmation/receipt from PayPal, please contact
When will the winners/finalists be announced?
Entries received prior to January 31 will be judged in February and announced by March 1. Entries received prior to July 31 will be judged in August and announced by September 1. Winners/finalists will be notified by email and posted on this page.
What is the prize?
Winners in each category will receive a professional critique and line edit of their first chapter (up to 3,000 words). This is a $250+ value.
If I win, who will critique my full manuscript?
We will choose an editor for you based on the particular genre and subject matter of your book. It will be one of the Yellow Bird Editors listed on the “Our Team” page of this website.
Do you accept picture book submissions?
Not for this contest. But we have several talented editors on our team who provide critiques and line editing for picture books. Please fill out our contact form if you’d like one of them to be in touch with you.
What if there aren’t enough qualified submissions?
We reserve the right not to name a winner if none of the entries we receive are of suitable quality. If this happens, we will roll your submission into the next round of entries and judge it as part of that batch.
Have a question that we haven’t answered here?
Email Good luck!